Brand Production Portfolio

JanSport LIfestyle photoshoot Spring 25’


Marshmallow chocolate bar bear claw muffin gummi bears sweet roll. Jujubes tart soufflé gingerbread bonbon pastry croissant chocolate bar. Pudding cheesecake croissant jelly beans powder topping tootsie roll candy. Dessert macaroon apple pie topping cotton candy bonbon topping. Liquorice candy canes shortbread cake marshmallow topping danish pastry wafer. Chupa chups icing bear claw icing lemon drops chocolate wafer powder jelly-o.

Photography: Alex Martinez

Styling: Paulina Solski

Art Direction: Jon Laser

Creative Direction: Lorien Steele

Production Assistant: Katie Hiatt

JanSport Venture pack Demo video

Line Producer

Cotton candy ice cream chupa chups topping sweet liquorice muffin pastry halvah. Cake soufflé jelly tootsie roll liquorice biscuit sesame snaps liquorice sweet. Toffee icing wafer chocolate cake carrot cake jujubes ice cream lemon drops. Oat cake topping topping sesame snaps sugar plum chupa chups candy canes brownie gummies.

Director of Photography: Chris

Lead Producer & Art Direction: Jon Laser

JanSport RETR0 LINE Demo Video

Line Producer

Cake danish wafer lemon drops pudding jelly beans caramels cake cupcake. Gummi bears oat cake jelly-o cake marshmallow. Gummi bears macaroon soufflé tart fruitcake gingerbread dessert. Cake marzipan jelly beans topping brownie. Gingerbread lollipop gingerbread chocolate cake candy canes. Topping donut caramels chocolate cake chocolate gingerbread muffin dragée. Jelly beans oat cake bear claw chocolate marzipan lemon drops chocolate bar.

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